Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisory 

We hope that you and your loved ones continue to be safe, healthy and hopeful. As events evolve to meet the COVID situation, we’re here to assure you that we will partner with you every step of the way as we navigate through this erratic time together. We are committed to making this a safe transition for our employees, for you, and for your customers. As part of that commitment, we have outlined our workplace safety guidelines and product cleaning and sanitation procedures below.

Thank you for putting your trust in us. 


How we ensure workplace safety

Safety is very important for CELEBRATIONS and we take it very seriously. In an effort to maintain a safe, injury-free workplace we remain compliant with all of the safety guidelines recommended by Health Canada.

Our COVID-19 Preparedness and Work Safety Policies will continue to be updated based on Health Canada guidelines. As we receive updates from Health Canada and local health authorities, we will continue to provide guidance to our employees on healthy workplace habits. This includes training on the proper use of gloves and hand-washing based on specific duties to ensure maximum safety. 

 We have mandated the use of masks and vinyl gloves for all warehouse, delivery and operational employees, as well as masks for our front office teams. 

 All employees will remain at least six feet apart while performing their daily tasks. Work teams will be established for tasks that cannot be accomplished alone, and employees assigned to work teams will routinely work together while keeping their distance from everyone else. 

 All sanitation stations in our offices, warehouses and delivery trucks contain hand sanitizer and surface sanitizers. All employees will be required to wash their hands at the beginning and the end of each shift and at least every 60 minutes throughout, using hand sanitizer when sinks are not available. 

 All high-touch areas (dining areas, restrooms, door handles, light switches, railings, trash receptacles, etc.) are cleaned and disinfected regularly. 

 Any employee who doesn’t feel well or has symptoms of COVID-19 is required to notify their supervisor and stay in home isolation for 14 days. Medical authorization to return to work is mandatory for any employee who tests positive for the virus.

 Each of our Delivery Team members will enter through designated areas each day to have their body temperatures taken & recorded. Any of our employees who make deliveries will be tested to ensure that their body temperature meets the Health Canada guidelines before going out on the road. 

How we clean and sanitize our rental products

All of our returned linens are laundered with detergent and sanitized in our commercial tunnel washer before they are dried, pressed and individually bagged at our laundry facility.

China, Glassware, Flatware & Serveware: Our china, flatware, glassware and serveware are cleaned in our commercial dishwashers on a sanitizing cycle before being stored in single-use plastic. Our dishwashing equipment is programmed to use water temperatures in excess of 180 degrees Fahrenheit to remain in accordance with Health Canada guidelines. These products are wrapped and stored for future use immediately after they are cleaned. 

Totes and Crates: The totes and crates we use to wrap and carry our equipment are also cleaned via the dishwasher. Most of the items that hold our rentals have been converted to plastic/composite, however the wooden boxes that are still in use are sanitized by our disinfectant fogger machine. 

Kitchen & Other Service Equipment: All of our kitchen and service equipment (ovens, proofing racks, tables, chairs, bars, etc.) are wiped down with disinfecting cleaner and sanitized before they are stored for future events, in accordance with the Health Canada guidelines. 

What we’re doing to ensure safe deliveries

 Each of our Drivers will be assigned to Delivery Teams that manage designated delivery vehicles. We will establish schedules for each delivery vehicle and pair the same Drivers up each day. Each Delivery Team will be responsible for cleaning their designated vehicles. Delivery Team members will only utilize their designated vehicles. 

 All of our Delivery Team members will enter through designated areas before starting their shifts to have their body temperatures taken & recorded. Any team member with a body temperature that doesn’t meet the Health Canada guidelines will be instructed to go home and won’t be permitted to go out on the road. 

 Our Delivery Team members are required to wear masks and gloves which will be changed after each delivery and pickup. Checkpoints have been designated at all of our warehouse locations to ensure that each team member has sufficient gloves & masks.

 All of our delivery vehicles are stocked with hand sanitizer and anti-viral spray to wipe down interior surfaces. Delivery Team members will be instructed to perform contactless deliveries and drop offs to minimize person-to person contact whenever possible. For deliveries that require installation, our drivers will maintain at least 6 feet away from customers who need to offer instruction. 

Hours of Operation

Our hours of operation for deliveries and pickups will be Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Our Event Rental Specialists are also available by phone from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday and answering messages the following business day. 

You can also place your orders online. If you don't have an online account you can quickly create one here 

Please visit this page for the most recent information as the situation continues to evolve. The safety and health of our employees and our customers are our number one priority.